Friday, February 22, 2013

Footprints on our Hearts

Today's meeting was a mix of laughter, tears, silliness, and seriousness. We started off with a noisy game of Pictionary that got so loud and fun we're actually not sure if "Team Awesome" or "Team More Awesome" won.

Afterward, Michie blessed us with a devotion about encouraging our husbands. Let's all remember to thank our husbands for those paychecks, ladies!

Anna shared her heart with us about Footprints Ministry. Tears were shed at some of our own remembrances and experiences. I was especially blessed by Anna's testimony of grace and peace during her delivery. 

Time to give back! We all decorated bibs to place into Footprints care bags.

We actually made time to do small groups this meeting and even switched things up a bit. As always, thank you for the spiritual and emotional encouragement, MOPS girls! Special thanks to our steering team and amazing child care workers who make it all possible.


  1. I always enjoy your blogs are a gifted communicator!!

  2. I agree with Arlene and I also enjoy the photos (even though there is a goofy one of me).
